Vietnam's Leading Chicken Brand in the United States

About Us

Established in 2000, Gà Đồng Nai is a brand created from the love of homeland combined with the tenacity and determination to succeed on foreign soil by Mr. Dũng Dương. With a desire to produce a chicken product that possesses the taste and texture akin to Vietnamese chickens, serving the Vietnamese community in the United States and adhering to the standards set by the USDA – the United States Department of Agriculture, Mr. Dũng Dương has tirelessly researched and refined the breed, feed, and chicken rearing process over the initial years.

Gà Đồng Nai has earned its reputation as a premium free-range chicken product in the United States, applying traditional Vietnamese backyard farming methods, allowing chickens to roam freely after 16 weeks, feeding them grain-based feed under natural lighting conditions. Notably, the breed is exclusively researched by the company and is proprietary across the United States.

Today, Gà Đồng Nai is the top chicken brand among the Vietnamese in the United States, becoming an indispensable product at all Vietnamese markets and supermarkets. It is the top choice for many families, owing to its yellow, thin skin and the aroma and tenderness of the meat. Importantly, when packaged, Gà Đồng Nai always includes the feet, neck, and head, serving as traditional food during festivals and New Year celebrations for Vietnamese and some other Asian communities in the United States.
As of March 2023, with a system of modern farms and production lines, Gà Đồng Nai has been supplying to all 50 states with a total production volume of 20,000 chickens per day, becoming one of the most successful brands owned by Vietnamese in the United States.